Freemasonry and the Secrets of Music

Masonic Articles and Essays

Freemasonry and the Secrets of Music

The Very Illus..... Bro... Pamela McDown 33o

Date Published: 7/10/2024

Music is as timeless as humanity itself and its harmonies and melodies bring us from the unmanifested to the manifest, from the unreal to the real. What is the significance of music to the Freemason and how can its immutable principles teach us about the reality of Masonic ritual?

I know no better way to place a frame around the ideas I would like to express in this article than to begin with a beautiful statement often attributed to Johann Sebastian Bach.

“In the architecture of my music I want to demonstrate to the world of the architecture of a new and beautiful social commonwealth. The secret of my harmony? I alone know it. Each instrument in counterpoint, and as many contrapuntal parts as there are instruments. It is the enlightened self-discipline of the various parts, each voluntarily imposing on itself the limits of its individual freedom for the well-being of the community. That is my message. Not the autocracy of a single stubborn melody on the one hand, nor the anarchy of unchecked noise on the other. No, a delicate balance between the two; an enlightened freedom. The science of my art. The art of my science. The harmony of the stars in the heavens, the yearning for brotherhood in the heart of man. This is the secret of my music.”  

What follows will be an exploration of the notions of “brotherhood” and "enlightened freedom." My aim will be to demonstrate that the “architecture of music” is an apt metaphor for the Masonic Lodge work. 

What exactly are the secrets of music? And how do these secrets relate to the Craft?  

What Freemasonry Is Not 

Freemasonry is not the “autocracy of a single stubborn melody.” 

The above phrase highlights the dangers of dominance and lack of diversity. In music, it represents a scenario where one melody overpowers and dictates the entire composition, stifling the richness and complexity that multiple harmonizing parts can bring. Similarly, in Freemasonry, this phrase warns against the concentration of power and the suppression of individual voices within the fraternity. Just as a symphony achieves its beauty through the harmonious interplay of various instruments, a Masonic lodge flourishes when it fosters an inclusive environment, and cooperative ritual, allowing for the collective wisdom and efforts of all its members to create a unified and dynamic community.

Freemasonry is not “the anarchy of unchecked noise.” 

In both music and Freemasonry chaos and disorder arise when there is a lack of structure, discipline, and harmony. In music, this phrase conveys the importance of balanced composition, where each instrument contributes purposefully to the overall symphony, avoiding discordant and aimless sounds. Similarly, in Freemasonry, this concept underscores the necessity of adhering to Masonic principles and rituals to maintain order and unity within the fraternity. Both in music and Freemasonry, the "anarchy of unchecked noise" serves as a metaphor for the breakdown of coherence and the loss of a shared purpose. 

What Freemasonry is

Freemasonry is “an enlightened freedom” 

In the realm of music, this concept embodies the idea that each instrument, while capable of independent expression, chooses to harmonize and balance its contribution for the collective beauty of the composition. This voluntary discipline ensures that no single part overwhelms the others, creating a cohesive and pleasing musical experience. Similarly, in Freemasonry, this principle reflects the fraternity's ethos where individual members exercise self-restraint and align their actions with the broader goals of the lodge. By doing so, they foster a harmonious and cooperative environment. This enlightened approach highlights the value of balancing personal freedom with collective responsibility, whether in the intricate interplay of a musical ensemble or the collaborative spirit of a Masonic lodge. 

Freemasonry is “the harmony of the stars in the heavens, the yearning for brotherhood in the heart of man”

In music, this harmony represents the perfect alignment and interplay of diverse elements, creating a celestial symphony that transcends individual contributions. Each note and instrument, though distinct, comes together to form a unified, harmonious whole, much like the stars forming constellations in the night sky. In Freemasonry, this concept reflects the fraternity's core mission of fostering brotherhood and unity among its members. The "yearning for brotherhood" speaks to the deep, intrinsic human desire for connection, solidarity, and mutual support. Just as the stars are bound by the laws of the cosmos, Freemasons are guided by universal principles that promote peace, understanding, and a shared sense of purpose.

The Secret Laws of Music
As we have seen, mastering the power of sound can be one of the most potent working tools at the hands of the Freemason to bring about transformation during ritual. Here are four laws that deserve contemplation for the serious brother and student of the mysteries. 

Law of Vibration
The Law of Vibration embodies the truth that everything in the Universe moves and vibrates at one frequency or another, a fact which modern science endorses. Behind the magical work of the ritual lies the mystery of vibration. The Freemason uses this law to govern uniformity in work, to dispel disorder, and to produce heightened awareness.

Law of Resonance
Physics explains how sound affects matter in detail. We know that everything has a resonant frequency, at which it most naturally resonates. When we find that resonant frequency and play a sound that matches it, it actually feeds energy into the object. A stronger vibration causes a weaker vibration to vibrate at the same frequency as the stronger vibration. The proper use of musical resonance by the Freemason produces a powerful group vibration that attunes the Brethren physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.  

Law of Rhythm
Music rises in crescendo. It fades.  It moves quickly, then slows. It fades in decrescendo.  Behind all of this is a steady and constant rhythm. Everything in the universe vibrates and moves to certain rhythms like a heartbeat. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. The Freemason uses this Law to produce effective ritual work. As the nature of the rhythm is established through ritual music, the brethren train themselves to work together with united thought, united action, and united ideals and objectives. 

Law of Harmony
The Law of Harmony and harmonic relationships is not an arbitrary creation. It is a fundamental attribute of music based on certain proportional relationships among musical tones that the human ear accepts. Consonant music (pleasant and agreeable) in contrast to dissonant music (which causes tension) influences the emotion expression. Thus, the conscious choice of music in alignment with Universal Law can intentionally evoke the full range of human emotion from relaxed, calm, happy, and joyous to tense, sad or agitated. 

In closing, we can gain further inspiration from the wisdom of the past. In ancient times, music was the testimony of the human soul. It was an integral part of the life of the community. Laws of Harmony were followed, and only music, not “noise,” was allowed into society. As each person added his stone to the building of a great cathedral, everyone’s “tone” contributed to the evolving melody of the human world. But with the rise of individualism, many people began living for themselves alone, thus producing chaos in the world. It is a mason’s duty to bring order out of chaos, Ordo ab Chao. The laws we have been discussing help us move forward into the light of greater truth that our labors thus begun in order, may be conducted in harmony and closed in peace. 

May we ever avoid the autocracy of a stubborn melody and the anarchy of unchecked noise! 


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